Non-surgical Solutions for Sagging Jowls, Jawline and Chin

tamy faierman

As we age, so do the support structures of our skin. The loss of facial collagen decreases the skin’s elasticity, volume, and moisture-retaining qualities, bestowing upon us those telltale signs of maturing facial tissue—marionette lines, droopy jowls and a saggy chin or jaw. But here’s the good news: today there are a multitude of non-invasive […]

Mini Facelift with Fillers

It is possible to lift the face with just fillers. This is often referred to as a Liquid Facelift, a non-surgical means of rejuvenating a face. As we age, we lose fat from our face, especially under the eyes, in the cheeks, and in the pre-jowl regions. As these areas deflate, it makes the face […]

What is a Liquid Facelift?

liquid facelift, Tamy M. Faierman MD, Plastic , Plastic Surgery, Dermal

A Liquid Facelift Could Be the Best Choice for A Renewed and Refreshing Look A Liquid Facelift is a non-surgical means of rejuvenating a face that appears aged secondary to volume loss. As we age, we lose fat from our face, especially under the eyes, in the cheeks, and in the pre-jowl regions. As these […]